name that tune
Wednesday 26th November 2008
4:42 p.m. Sadly, as is often the case in this country these days, the snow didn’t last long, it had almost completely melted away by Sunday evening.
Sunday night started off fairly quiet but got busier as the evening progressed, and my last set was probably the best. Monday night was fairly quiet all evening, but having said that I still had a good response from the audience. I played several requests, including one by Abba, and Everything I Do for one of the bar stewards. At the start of my last set there were two Scottish women sat by me who requested some Christmas songs, so I did brief renditions of Rudolph The Red-Nosed Reindeer followed by White Christmas, which they seemed to relish! They then suggested I could do a round of ‘Name That Tune’, so I pitted them against two young lads who were also sat nearby, playing snatchets of various popular tunes plus some more obscure ones. Owen came up mid-way through, and when he saw that I was doing a kind of music quiz he ran and got a bottle of wine to present to the winner. It was the first to ten and the women won 7-3, so I presented them with the prize. The quiz proved to be a good diversion and it was nice to do something different.
Last night was exceptionally quiet; up until the end of my first set I had forgotten why, but one of the barmen reminded me that it was the special darts-themed mini-cruise, featuring Eric Bristow and Keith Deller. In terms of passenger numbers the ship wasn’t especially busy, but I think most of the socialising public were watching as there were no more than ten people in the Sky Lounge at one time during the evening! They were in the show-lounge playing doubles with volunteering punters, which was quite entertaining.
[One of the mixed doubles darts games in full-swing, with Eric Bristow to the far right, and Keith Deller in the middle having a team talk with his amateur throwing partner!]
Only one more week to go of this contract.
11:55 p.m. Tonight was a lot busier than last night, despite it being the second night of the darts. I think the majority of the people in the bar were from the continent, so they probably had little interest in the proceedings downstairs. Again my last set was probably the best, there was a friendly group of Germans sat at one of the tables beside me, and they made several requests including one for My Way, which seemed to go down particularly well, as did Ebony & Ivory which someone else requested, despite not having performed it for a while.