Sunday, November 23, 2008


Friday 21st November 2008

11:59 p.m.
I have only had root-canal once, and I can say that it was less painful and more rewarding than this evening.

Sunday 23th November 2008

9:13 a.m.
Had a lot better night last night. The bar was just as busy as the night before, but the atmosphere was generally warmer, there were several groups in who were pretty lively and making requests, and one of them was sat right beside me throughout the evening.

The sea has been pretty rough again the last couple of nights, particularly Friday. In a way it is quite fortunate that the piano isn’t on wheels as it might have rolled away! (This might sound like fantasy, but when I was working on the York, a woman there told me about her days when she was working on a cruise ship in the south Pacific, when it was hit by a freak storm, and the grand piano in the cocktail lounge was on wheels and wasn’t tethered, and in severe pitching it rolled across most of the width of the bar, straight through a plate-glass window onto the outside deck!!!)

I was up early enough to have a cooked breakfast this morning, on my way to the crew mess I glanced outsid and noticed that it had indeed been snowing, there seems to be a couple of inches covering at the moment, and judging from how dark and heavy the clouds were looking, there may well be more to come… I was talking to one of the Filipino croupiers the other day, and she was telling me that she was hoping that it would snow as she has never seen it before. (I did think about knocking for her earlier, but I don’t think she would have been asleep for long so I decided against it.)

View from the aft deck of the ship this morning


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