Wednesday 20th December 2006
1:19 p.m. Despite still being on shore leave, I thought I would add a quick word for my few regulars. It would seem that Nottingham, as with most of the U.K. is currently enveloped by fog. Usually we can see much of Basford and some Derbyshire hills in the distance from our dining room window. Today it is impossible to see anything further than the next street down from us.

It would also seem that the atmospheric situation is unlikely to change any time soon either, according to the BBC Weather web-site, the forecast for Nottingham for the next five days is:
Wednesday: FOG
Thursday: FOG
Friday: FOG
Saturday: FOG
Sunday: FOG
Also the maximum temperature for Nottingham tomorrow is 0°c. Looks like we're set for a damp cold Christmas!
I don't have an enormous amount to report from the three weeks and two days since I returned home. During the first week I occupied myself with trying to do as little as possible. Since then I have been in the process of looking for temporary work. Before today my search was largely unsuccessful, however I did register with one agency this morning and that went very well. Hopefully they should be able to find me some work to tide me over until 22nd January, the date my next ferry contract is due to start; this time on the Pride of Hull (one of the larger, newer ships which goes between Hull and Rotterdam).