a walk to zeesluis (and back)
Wednesday 21st May 2008
11:07 p.m. BST Last night was so quiet that I was able to skip my last set. Tonight was busier, although I stuck to playing instrumentals and altered my set times as they were showing the Champions League Final on the TV in the Clipper Bar (by the Moonlight Lounge where the piano is). Despite not singing the evening still went very well, with many numbers going down well, and some girls were even dancing to Sway in a space by the door. Also there was a group sat by the piano for most of the evening who were requesting tunes.
Today the weather was very good again in Belgium so I walked down through the town, and to the raising bridge that I mentioned once before. My arrival was quite timely, as the alarm had just sounded for the two sections of the bridge to be raised, so I watched as this was done and two ships sailed through the narrow channel to the harbour and on to the sea. It was quite strange being stood on a roadside and being that close up to a ship! I also realised that some of the freight ships are perhaps not quite as large as I had first imagined. I took some pictures while I was there (below is one of them), and on the way back I noticed this strange mural on the wall of a building by the marina.
I also got a few shots after we had left this evening as there was an amazing sky.
More on my web-space as usual.
Less than a week to go until I go home, and although this contract has gone fairly quickly I am feeling about ready for a break now.
Thursday 22nd May 2008
11:07 a.m. BST That cruise ship that I saw a couple of times recently (and photographed from a distance) was the same one or similar to the one featured in this article on Wikipedia (and conveniently also features the bridge I was talking about!)

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