jewels of the sea
Tuesday 18th September 2007
1:40 p.m. CET Rather unexpectedly (to me at least) we are at sea. Apparently a cargo ship needed to borrow our berth for a few hours so we’re out for a leisurely afternoon amble. I was just on deck chatting to one of the crew, and he said that they may have been able to drop the anchor had the sea not been as rough. It was quite amusing to watch some smaller vessels going past bobbing wildly as they fought their way through the waves.
As we were leaving the harbour earlier on I noticed another cruise ship moored up just across the way, the Jewel of the Seas.

The piano bar was very quiet last night.
11:40 p.m. BST Another good night tonight, again the piano bar was busy all evening, the audience were appreciative and I was swamped with requests. Despite the usual compliment of older Germans there was quite a good mix of people in this evening, and I’m fairly confident that I managed to appeal to most.
Only one more round-trip now until I go home. What a strange time this contract has been.
[Currently reading yet another Bryson – ‘Neither Here Nor There’, about his travels in Europe. Very entertaining. I’ve had to try very hard to suppress my laughter late at night for fear of waking fellow crew-members!]
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