Sunday, March 18, 2007

party time

Sunday 18th March 2007

10:25 a.m. GMT
I awoke an hour ago to find that we were still sailing, but when I looked outside I saw that we were already on the Humber and nearing the lock and the harbour. It reminded me of when we were stuck on the river on the York last November, which coincidentally was also the time when the couple were on who I mentioned a few days ago.

Another outward sailing from Hull on Friday night and as such was expectedly busy, and mid-way through the evening became rather rowdy so I decided to lift the lid of the piano, and play several more upbeat numbers, including Great Balls of Fire which I rarely do but it went down a storm and I even had cheers afterwards! I also played River Of Dreams which was well received.

Last night was still fairly busy but generally a quieter night and so more laid back. Had an appreciative audience throughout, and some requests. Played Video Killed The Radio Star for the first time in a while, which seemed to be a popular choice. Not the most eventful night I have had recently, but a good one none the less.

I was woken up early yesterday morning by a helicopter which I later learned had come to rescue another unwell passenger. Doesn’t happen very often so to get two in the space of a month is quite unusual!

Only four more round-trips to go now. This contract has been going fairly quickly, and has been a lot less arduous than my last contract on the York last year. Also I think it was helped by having a night off a week after I came on-board, and several quiet nights throughout.


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