natural art
Thursday 16th November 2006
12:50 p.m. CET On Tuesday night the bar was fairly busy, despite there being a relatively low passenger quota. In many ways was a similar night to Monday, was reasonable but nothing to get ecstatic about. Last night was quieter, but a fairly good night all the same. During the last set a couple came in (who I later gathered had travelled before when I was on) and requested a few numbers. I concluded with my first rendition of Heaven by Bryan Adams, which went better than I had anticipated (as it was unrehearsed).
Friday 17th November 2006
12:49 a.m. GMT Apparently the guy who I mentioned last night was singing my praises at reception after he left the bar!
I went out for my usual again walk this afternoon, which ended up being quite bracing since it was rather windy, cold and raining. A combination of the elements had created some interesting formations in the sand, and I took some photos of them with my mobile phone.

Had quite a good night tonight as well, as with many nights recently had a fairly slow start but it picked up and had a warm reception throughout the evening. Towards the end a young guy requested Don’t Look Back In Anger, so I played it, then came a small flurry of requests for songs of a similar genre to be played, so I ended up performing a couple of Radiohead and Coldplay songs, which was an unexpected and welcome conclusion to the evening.
Ida is coming up again tomorrow… (well later today actually…) which will be nice.
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