back on board
Monday 21st August 2006
4:15 p.m. BST Arrived back at the ferry terminal about two hours ago after six nights off. Immediately checked onto the ship, came up to my cabin and unpacked. It didn’t take as long as last time as I didn’t bring as much stuff with me (since I got the train). The journey only took four hours door to door, which wasn’t bad at all.
Wednesday 23rd August 2006
12:07 p.m. BST Have now done the first round-trip of my new contract, and it's business as usual aboard the Pride of York (hereafter referred to as 'the PoY' (possibly)).
Have just discovered that P&O have a virtual tour applet on their web-site which you can use to look around the fleet, including the Moonlight Lounge on the Hull-Zeebrugge route, which needless to say is my current place of work. Have to say I was pretty impressed by the show-bar on the Hull-Rotterdam boats (the two newer ships). You can find the tour at:
P&O Ferries Virutal Tours
Have been considering the future, and have to admit that despite the fact I have now begun pursuing a musical career, I have no idea where I see myself in five years time. Still it's early days, and considering the amount of positive feedback I've had since I've been here I'm sure the opportunities will present themselves. I think it will be more of a case of knowing which ones to follow up and which ones to politely decline. Some discernment needed I feel!
That virtual tour is excellent! Really cool to see the piano you are so oft' seated at. Looks nice!
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